Holocaust Education Network

A forum promoting best practice in Holocaust instruction

Greetings in this Chanakuh and Advent Season.

I sent an email to the consortium group, but also thought I would post a request here. I received guidance from Lolle and Bill and I am very thankful.

My request was direction and resources in a research paper due December 12 2010. It is for a graduate course. The course is Teaching Tolerance. The final weeks topic was focused on Jane Elliott's experiment, Brown eyes/Blue eyes in response to Dr. King's assassination and the rural school district of Riceville Iowa. Took place in 1968. I am sure y'all know of it.
I am looking for commentaries on the use of simulation for educational purposes. I am not an educator in the sense of knowing the "science of teaching methods". I do know that when it comes to the Holocaust, simulations are a big "NO". My question is: if it is so for the Holocaust, does it also hold for teaching issues surrounding racism in this country - American Indians, African Americans, Latinos, Asians and more contemporary - Arabs?

Thanks, and have a blessed Holiday!
Chris Anderson

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