Holocaust Education Network

A forum promoting best practice in Holocaust instruction

I welcome comments as to the "appropriateness" of this response to Mary's testimony. It is a simple poem meant to honor. Is it an appropriate way to respond to her testimony?

Lessons from Night School: How to be a Squirrel
In Honor of Mary Rostad

Turn street signs around to confuse the Nazis
Take a gun butt in the head for refusing to get off the sidewalk
Steal your mother's sugar ration and put it in Nazi gas tanks
Sneak underground newspapers in the pockets of guards
Trade silver and gold uniform buttons sliced off with razor blades
File down the switches of Nazi flashlights so they are useless
Sleep in church pews, barns and empty rail cars
Fake a toothache with tears
Learn how to live alone, without friends
Remain silent for thirty years
Receive the 1986 Ellis Island Medal of Honor
Share the story of resistance
Become a Hero

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Your intention of writing this poem to honor Mary Rostad is sincere and appropriate. In the Animoto video, through your carefully chosen photos and skillful use of text, you gave us a way to recall the inspiring story of a brave young Belgian woman during the war. In your poem, these additional lines of verse provide further imagery and detail and help to give meaning to Mary’s testimony.


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