Please let others know about your current projects involving Holocaust education. We are all busy but very interested in what Midwest Consortium members are doing. Hopefully, we can continue to support one another!
Since our gathering in La Crosse in August, I've been working on two projects related to Holocaust education.
1. Online Discussion of Survivor Memoirs: I am contacting teachers to consider having their students discuss these works through blogs. A Google Document has been set up to allow teachers to find a potential partner for a collaborative Holocaust blog project.
2. Artist/Survivor Miriam Brysk: Miriam's recent exhibit "Children of the Holocaust" has been on display at Kellogg Community College in Battle Creek, Michigan. We are contacting teachers to urge them to contribute lesson plan material to Miriam's forthcoming book (a collection of her artwork).
Here are the instructions that I’ll be sharing with teachers, urging them to have students participate in the online discussion of Holocaust survivor memoirs:
1. View a narrated recording of a PowerPoint presentation about the project given at the recent 6th International Conference on Holocaust Education held at Yad Vashem in July 2008.
2. The PowerPoint describes Holocaust survivor memoir blogs developed at Lakeview High School in Battle Creek, Michigan where I serve as library media specialist.
3. Email me at
4. You will be provided with access to a Google Doc.
5. Through the Google Doc, you will be able to find a potential partner for a collaborative Holocaust blog project.
6. All Holocaust blog projects will be reported on and shared with fellow educators through a Holocaust Remembrance ning.
I look forward to working with you as students join together in a meaningful study of the Holocaust.